Saturday, October 11, 2014

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

One Family, One Mission, One Shitty Little Lawn

This is the year, lawn.

Your time has come.

We are sick of all that you promise and never deliver. You are a worthless waste of space that we are forced to maintain against our will.

But no longer.

See, this is the year of our liberation from the grass prison. Screw you grass, we're not under your thumb anymore. We don't need you.

We are going to plant every fuckin' inch of our property with food. This is our land, and you will work for us, not against us. We will research, we will cultivate, we will plant. Even with our two small children and our two large jobs we will find the resources to make our little corner of this world into something useful.

That's right folks. Kill your lawn. Eat your yard. Join the revolution!